Wednesday, December 15, 2010

An Author's Note

I realize that free is good, but there is much stuff available from Lulu and Pink Flamingo as noted. Despite the good traffic here, my Lulu account cries out for attention. Something for everyone... nothing vanilla.


bjorn said...

As you say, free is good. On here there has regularly been something new, thank you. Nothing new on PF or Lulu for a while though. Some of us already have The Collected Works!

Anonymous said...

Hi Chris,

I LOVE your writing. I tried to buy one of your stories (I believe it was on Pink Flamingo but maybe Lulu) and it was in a Windows only format. Any way you can change that?

Chris Bellows said...


Thank you for the support. You have obviously read a lot of my stuff.

The hits here are averaging 200+ per day. 'Kept Naked, Made Eager to Please', published in the Spring of 2010, has sold 37 copies to date. So there are those who seem to enjoy my stuff but do not wish to take one more step.


The stuff on Lulu was uploaded in PDF format. Not sure how Lulu sells it, but it comes through in PDF for me.

With regard to the PF stuff, you may want to consider contacting Liz Dusseau the Publisher. I know they have recently added new formats.
