Saturday, November 30, 2024

'Prominence - Part One', Segment III

Day One Comes to an End

Robert Probert lies in the silent darkness brought by large goggles strapped about his head and deafening plugs inserted into his ears. He tries to sleep, the day indeed long. Yet his restraints make such difficult... not to mention the arching of his spine. And he realizes the pillow propped beneath does seem to foster continuing firmness... no doubt something to do with tension on his spinal cord. Sleep deprived, he cannot help mulling over his circumstances. Within hours his status... his self esteem... tumbling. From an oil god... a hero to bring vast riches to an impoverished African nation... to defacto puppet... led about on a leash... led about naked and bound on a leash! 

Would the powers that be at employer Benchmark Oil really trade his well being for billions in oil revenue? With his self imposed question he snickers to himself.

Of course they would!   

As the doctor pointed out he is merely one of dozens of petroleum engineers... talented or not. And he is sequestered in a monarchy... the Queen ruling all!

He recalls the copilot’s words with regard to the Queen... ‘she’s powerful... knows how to use her power... and enjoys using it’. So prophetic. 

Yet why is he being incarcerated in a such a singular manner... so much interest in his male  organ... and its ability to tumefy?

Then more words come to mind... again those of the copilot..  ‘no one calls her old’.

So, the woman is young and apparently concupiscent, Robert concludes. Perhaps having a thing for Caucasian males. Yet if so, is such to be gratified by way of cameras... the only contact possibly to be had at this point in his imprisonment?    

He thinks of the interlude with the doctor, bringing him to erection... encouraging... measuring... recording... and his testicles as well. Objectified, he... his body... becoming a piece of machinery under evaluation.

Emotions waver. He brings himself to calm... the words of his physical therapist Rwanda... that he is to be bathed, fed, and massaged... the latter to be welcomed as the four point restraint slowly strains the muscles. But then tension renews in thinking that he will be subjected to the whims of a disciplinarian! Disobedience! There is to be none. Do not unnecessarily irk your disciplinarian! 

Finally he slumbers. He dreams... of adulation... being cheered by a bevy of Zolanda natives... the man who lifts them out of poverty.  

Day Two

Robert Probert awakens feeling fingers working about his male bits. Something encases his penis. Then he is shocked as the room alights. But he sees not the white walls and ceiling, instead the goggles present a video. Then as his eyes focus there comes sound. It is the voice of Dr. Martha Humbert. Her form comes into view... handsome, calm, confident.

“Good morning, Mr. Probert. You have slept well. Miss Rwanda will be feeding you shortly. What you’re seeing is presented to your eyes by way of a high tech wireless headset. Essentially over the next few days you will be seeing and hearing what we want you to see and hear... little else. Later will come exercise... extensive exercise... directed by your disciplinarian. What you’re feeling is an inflatable cuff encasing your penis for a plethysmograph test. You’ll be subjected to stimuli through the headset and the blood flow to your penis will be measured. It’s very sensitive and the slightest reaction can be and will be recorded. There are things we need to know about you. And plethysmography doesn’t lie. Enjoy.”

Darkness returns. The sound of the doctor’s voice turns to static assuring that in addition to the deafening ear plugs he will not detect any sounds emanating from within his chamber. Within moments he feels something pressed to his mouth. Smooth metal parts his lips. Mush is introduced, smelling repulsive. He grits his teeth in denial. There comes sound.

“Breakfast, Mr. Probert. You will eat. It is mandatory,” the voice of therapist Rwanda blaring through his ear pieces. “I assure you it is highly nutritious. And I assure you further resistance to being fed will earn a visit from the disciplinarian. This is the last time I will need to talk to you,” the tone becoming ominous.

Hungry, Robert Probert concedes. He partakes. If the goal were to poison him, in being helplessly bound, such would happen.

As he masticates he feels whatever surrounds his penis tighten. The doctor termed it an inflatable cuff. It is inflating.

Another spoonful, then another, the taste is not totally offensive, but nothing he would voluntarily choose to eat. Then the headset again alights. What would be described as mild pornography flashes, women in various stages of undress... sultry and young. The viewing is pleasant. With his penis encased he asks himself if he is firming, a continuation of yesterday’s unending embarrassment.

Yet he further questions himself... does it matter? Made to expose himself to how many women?.. and meticulously measured... is the ignominy to be endured of significance?   

Thus, he enjoys, as the doctor suggested. As the feeding ends, so does the video. There is a degree of disappointment but then comes onto the small screens of the headset another video. A regal women of color standing on a low stage before a throng of onlookers. Colorful kimonos, a multitude of women cheer, African women. The video camera zooms in, the face dark, features even. The woman is royalty, Robert Probert concludes, being adulated by her subjects... but all are women. Could it be the Queen of Zolanda? It must be. And the absence of male subjects?

The words of Dr. Humbert... Miss Martha... are recalled. ‘Zolanda is a monarchy... a matriarchal monarchy. The Queen rules’.

Then the camera pans back. Within the crowd, male subjects come into view, each kneeling at the feet of one of the colorfully dressed women admirers. The scene is momentary, the video instantly switching to more pornography. This snippet is more graphic, not only female nudity but sexual acts unfold. Robert feels twinges,. If he was not hard before his penis is now certainly swelling. Many minutes of what could be termed semi hard corp porn come into view. Then the sordid scene instantly fades. It is again the Queen. She is ravishing, Robert finding attraction. And judging from nearby onlookers in the video, the woman is tall. Festooned in a sarong, such does little to veil strong shoulders... broad strong shoulders. And what is this? Another glimpse of a male, crawling onto the stage where the smiling Queen waves to her cheering subjects. As opposed to the throng of women, he has little covering.

Again the words of the doctor come to mind... ‘in the stifling head of equatorial Africa covering can be considered optional’.

Has that male subject chosen limited attire?

Before Robert can ascertain if the man has any attire at all, the view again changes. More porn. 

And so the morning progresses... Robert assuming it is morning. Salacious videos interrupted by the Queen being adulated. Porn... the Queen... porn... the Queen.

Well into the series, Robert realizes he is firmly erect... must be firmly erect. And who in the room is observing? Again it matters not. As the doctor explained, the plethysmography device is measuring. He penile response cannot be hidden.

After several montages, the pornographic scenes change, The content... homoerotic... men with men. Robert closes his eyes in disgust. He feels an electrical charge, his head is shocked, tolerable but there come more shocks... and stronger. The pain grows... until he opens his eyes. Message received, the clever device forces him to watch. And watch he does, in horror. Finally this homosexual dalliance ends with the Queen, her feet being licked as she stands on stage waving to her cheering subjects. More horror comes, the camera shifts, moving to zoom in on the kneeling man. Tongue laboring in earnest, his complete nakedness comes into view but for one shocking element. There is the glint of metal about his pubes!

The video ends before Robert can further focus. And it is the last video.

In attempting to determine if someone is in the room, Robert calls out. The electrical jolt returns.

Another lesson learned. He is to remain silent.  

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