If I have inadequately described the 'humbler' device, consider Googling. There are a surprising number of vendors selling such.
Leona Parsons and Harriet Cabot enjoy late morning mimosas. Under aged Edie partakes in a coke. Comfortably sitting in the spacious living room of the Cabot Estate house, before them kneels naked house maid... and Benchmark employee... Roberta Probert.
“‘He can’t kneel upright and look at us?” Edie naively inquires.
“Not without hurting herself. That’s the beauty of the humbler. To right herself tensions her ball sac. And in Roberta’s case, with the barbed testicle rings, she very much wants to refrain from doing that.”
“I hadn’t thought about his... ah... her ball rings.”
“Let’s give it another try. Roberta!” Miss Leona’s voice becoming sharp and direct. “Right yourself... look at us! Be respectful of the girl controlling you. Show her that nice erection. We know of your penchant for exhibition.”
“It... it... hurts, Miss Leona!”
“Of course it does. That’s why it’s known as a torture device.”
Given carte blanche to practice her skills, Vixen Edie assembled her newly acquired implements and led a compliant Roberta to the livingroom. There she learned to apply foam lined strips of nylon about Roberta’s wrists, clipping together behind her back, hands made immobile. The effort was not overly clumsy, but too slow for the champion athlete. Practice, practice, practice is what honed her skills. Thus she practiced. Roberta had to obediently stand as the Posey cuffs were released then resecured three times. After the third, restrained in mere moments, the coveted key was drawn from about Edie’s neck. Roberta closed her eyes in joy and anticipation as her penis caged was unlocked and the spiked cage slowly slid away. For that, Edie had experience. Freedom came timely and without mishap. Then the girl stepped back, arms akimbo as Roberta put on a show, the scene arousing, naked before a fully clothed young girl, completely under her governance. Her manhood rose, firming, engorging, steadily stiffening until pointing to the ceiling.
‘He is a big boy,’ Edie commented to observers Harriet and Leona. ‘Doubt if my wimp new boyfriend is so endowed.’
Harriet then offered the key to the testicle chain. After removal came the humbler. That required effort, opening the conjoined strips of smooth polished wood, palming the elongated sac, slipping into the carved circular opening in the middle, then screwing together wing nuts to retighten the boards and entrap the ball sac.
The humbler was thereafter loosened, removed and reapplied four times before Edie was satisfied... with the timeliness... and the care not to pinch the sensitive scrotal flesh between the boards.
‘You’re a perfectionist, Edie,’ Harriet commented.
‘I don’t want my wimp boyfriend thinking I’m incapable. I want him to be in awe. And I’ve read something about long term bondage. It must be comfortable, no acute pain, just slow suffering.’
‘You have been reading,’ Leona complimented.
Lastly came slipping the humbler between the thighs and positioning horizontally at the back of the thighs. Edie found this required effort and determination. Again, despite the stress on Roberta’s masculine remnants, the final step was repeated three times.
So practice completed, the woman relax and enjoy the efforts.
“I think I can strip a boy, bind him and have him the humbler within five minutes,” Edie proudly proclaims.
Leona and Harriet look at each and smile.
“Well, guess the next step is to enjoy your control, Edie. Not much you can’t do to a boy when in the humbler. In Roberta’s case more aptly described as doing for her. So talk to her. Have her explain her feelings and thoughts... why she so much wants to obey and sit up for you... but can’t,” Leona mischievously guides.
Edie rises from the couch, coke in hand, moving to triumphantly stand over the bowed Roberta. Her free hand lowers, gently smoothing through Roberta’s hair.
“Don’t want to show me your penis. I unlocked it for you.”
“I... I... can’t Miss Edie. It... it.. hurts!”.
Roberta tries to divert, twisting her head, face going to Edie’s shoes, kissing right then left. Edie stoops, lowering to whisper in Roberta’s ear.
She does, most obsequiously.
“Let’s give it a try, Roberta. Right yourself and I’ll play with your penis. Won’t that be nice? We’ll have an exchange. Entertain me with your pain, and I’ll reciprocate with pleasure.”
With that, Edie tightens her grip within the strands of hair, pulling up Roberta’s head. She steps forth, pressing Roberta’s forehead to her stomach, forcing Robert to remain upright as she yelps in pain, humbler stressing the bal sac and barbed rings.
“Take it for me,” Edie sharply instructs as her free hand lowers, fingers grazing up and down a shaft of steel. “I think you’re getting harder for me, Roberta. You squeal like a little girl but your penis tells me you’re enjoying.”
With that, Leona leans to Harriet.
“I think Edie would enjoy learning about the pink tent, don’t you Harriet?”
“Yes. And perhaps a trip to the Zolanda drill site. She enjoys learning... and in Zolanda there is much for a girl like Edie to learn.”