Sunday, August 11, 2019

'Expanding Feminine Dominion at the Phipps Estate' published

I have published the referenced story. $5.75, 37,700 words.

Available from me directly for $4.75 in PDF format, payment to Paypal.

Email for Paypal instructions.


Anonymous said...

Bravo Mr Bellows. Thanks a lot for this, it has been a great series. When I thought it had ended you write more.
I was wondering when the awesome Ms Pamela would make another appearance and that was a great and humiliating climax to the story.
Interesting mystery at the end too.

Chris Bellows said...


Glad you enjoyed.

Always appreciate feedback and comments and such seems to be more and more rare here on the blog.

There may be another segment to the Phipps Saga. We'll see. Plus I may combine all in one ebook.

Thanks for the boost.
