Monday, May 6, 2019

Amazon/Molly Sands

From time to time I explore the vast repository of Amazon for any books or stories within the genres I write. In doing so I find little of quality, much seeming to be written at the eighth grade reading level (curious irony considering the themes are for adults). And one must be wary of bang for the buck... many brief stories at exorbitant prices.

I can’t find much worthwhile. This bolsters my decision to avoid Amazon in terms of offering my stuff. Putting aside the onerous revenue split Amazon requires, my efforts would disappear in the mountain of trash. So if you see any of my stories offered there, it has not been done under my purview.

That said, I have lately read quite a number of stories by author Molly Sands. She writes cuckolding/feminization themes, consensual, and writes well. Good dialogue (somewhat repetitive), an aspect with which I have always faulted my efforts, good character development, the plots and story lines realistic but somewhat drawn out (I tend to write succinctly minimizing the vanilla portions of a story).

I cannot find much about her (age, marital status, profession outside of writing if any, etc.) and no manner of communicating with her, (e.g. email address) but she is evidently from the UK and prolific. One drawback in her writings is that the storylines are quite similar. And she tends to tease the reader, introducing such things as chastity devices and extreme bondage gear but never fully incorporating into the story.

Anyway, if you enjoy stuff that is somewhat soft in comparison to mine, give her a try.

That being said, if anyone has a thought on how to market my efforts beyond the tight group on this blog, I’d be pleased to learn of it. I do look at the traffic sources for the blog from time to time and find much comes from other D/s themed blogs. Problem is getting the attention of the blog’s owner/author.   

The third segment of the ‘Transformed’ and ‘Maid Service at the Phipps Estate’ series is completed and will be offered by mid May. I just want to give it a final read for cohesion/coherence. Entitled ‘To Reign at the Phipps Estate’


Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed "Maid Service at the Phipps Estate", Chris. Happy to hear a follow up is in the works.

I also enjoyed "Neuroplasticity". Talk about bang for the buck, so many deliciously depraved scenes in that novel, I still re-read sections of that one from time to time. It may be your best work in the forced fem genre. What do you consider as your best?

Chris Bellows said...


Glad you enjoyed.

Never gave much thought to my best. Hopefully it has not yet been written.

I think 'Tagged' has a good story line. Available from 'The Erotic Book Network'.

Thank you.